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Your youth is full of great memories, but those acne outbreaks don’t exactly make the list. Unfortunately, this common skin condition — it affects up to 50 million Americans annually — has followed you into the future in the form of acne scarring. If you want to put the past...
Laser technology is nothing new and has been in use for decades. What is new is how the technology has been refined, granting us far more precision and control. In practice, what this means is that we can safely use laser energy in more delicate areas, such as around your...
Americans are no strangers to eczema — the skin condition affects about 1 in 10 people in the United States, often peaking in childhood. But if it followed you into adulthood, or you have adult-onset eczema, there’s good news and bad. The bad news is that adult eczema can be...
The aging process can be tough. It tends to be most pronounced in areas of your body that are on full display, starting with your face. While most wrinkles and fine lines belie your age, the ones around your mouth can be especially noticeable, and many of our patients feel...
For more than 10,000 years, humans have been decorating their skin with tattoos. Far more recently, you decided that a tattoo would be a good idea and you took the plunge. Not long after, you regretted the decision, and now you’d like the tattoo(s) cleared away. About 32% of Americans...
The world of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures continues to grow each year as people explore their many uses in achieving improvement in the appearance of their skin without undergoing surgery. Included in the top 5 minimally invasive cosmetic procedures is intense-pulsed light (IPL) therapy. There were more than 3.1 million...
You spent your teenage years trying to get rid of red bumps and acne, but now they’re showing up again in adulthood. Before you conclude that your acne is back for another round, it might be a good idea to explore whether the red bumps are related to another skin...
Historically, the world of anti-aging fell to plastic surgeons and to dermatologists, but since Botox® burst onto the scene in 2002, all manner of medical professionals are now administering cosmetic injectables, from your OB/GYN to your family care practitioner. In 2022 alone, there were nearly 16 million cosmetic injectable treatments...
Everything in your body seems to be succumbing to gravity, including your skin, which is sagging down in the most highly visible place there is — your face. One of the best ways to fight back against loose and sagging skin is to restore structure from below with new collagen....
If you add up the hours you spend removing body hair, it would likely surprise you. Between shaving, waxing, and plucking, it seems like a never-ending battle to keep your skin smooth and hair-free. Thanks to our laser hair removal services, you can get a much-needed leg up in the...
You look back at pictures from your teenage years, and you marvel at how tight and toned your skin was. You wish you could turn back the clock, but you’d also be turning that clock back to when acne was a major concern. We’re sorry to report, though, that this...
You spend countless hours clearing away unwanted body hair by shaving, and you’d really like to eliminate this time-consuming piece of your hygiene regimen puzzle. Laser hair removal can certainly help get you on your way toward that goal, but you shouldn’t count on the procedure as a one-and-done treatment....
Since Botox® first burst on the scene almost two decades ago, these quick-and-easy cosmetic injectables have changed the way we’re able to fight back against aging. Imagine — in just minutes, we can undo wrinkles that took years to form. Well, you shouldn’t just imagine, but come in and experience...
Acne can leave its mark in different ways. First, each year in the United states, about 50 million people struggle with active acne. As if these outbreaks weren’t bad enough, many people are left with ongoing reminders of the skin condition in the form of acne scars. Unfortunately, the scarring...
We’re going to answer the question we pose in the title of the blog straight away — yes, hot weather is a known trigger for rosacea. With that out of the way, what do the more than 14 million people who are living with rosacea in the United States do when the...
You look back at pictures of yourself in your relative youth and you marvel at how clear, taut, and evenly toned your skin used to be. As your body’s primary protector, your skin endures quite a bit as it shields you from the world, and the effort can take a...
An acne outbreak can be bad enough, but now you’re dealing with lasting reminders in the form of scarring. Acne is the most common skin condition, affecting about 50 million Americans during any given year, and about one in five of these people develop scarring as a result. To explore this issue...
Over the years, exposure to the sun can wreak havoc on your skin, causing 90% of the visible signs of aging, which include wrinkles and hard-to-hide age spots. Also called sun spots or liver spots, these discolorations tend to crop up in highly exposed areas, such as on your face,...
While acne on your face can be bothersome, thanks to it being front and center and hard to cover up, back acne can also be a source of frustration. For the 50 million people in the United States who experience acne, most struggle with facial acne, but a good number also run...
In the United States, rosacea affects 16 million people, and the role that emotional stress plays in this skin condition is fairly significant for nearly everyone in this group. To shed some light on the connection between emotional stress and rosacea, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Bruce Saal and our team at Los Gatos Dermatology want to focus...
You look in the mirror and find that your once-familiar face is increasingly becoming hidden behind deep lines and wrinkles. You’ve heard (and seen) what neurotoxin injections can do for erasing the signs of aging around the brows, eyes, and forehead, but you may be hesitant to give it a...
You struggled with acne outbreaks when you were younger, but instead of staying in the past, where they belong, these unfortunate developments linger on in the form of acne scarring. To help you put the past firmly in the past, Dr. Bruce Saal and our team of highly skilled nurses here at Los Gatos...
If you added up the time and money you spend on getting rid of unwanted body hair, we’re sure that the results would be eye-opening. Whether you shave daily or wax every few weeks, you’re tired of chasing endeavors that only deliver fleeting and often unsatisfactory results. Our team here...
You were too young, your circumstances (and sentiments) have changed, or the execution leaves something to be desired — these are just some of the reasons why up to 75% of Americans regret at least one tattoo. Whatever your reason, you no longer want your tattoo and you want to...
Your skin does a fantastic job shielding you from the world, but the effort can leave it looking worn and blemished. If you want to hit the reset button on your skin and get back the healthier, glowing skin you once had, a chemical peel may be just the ticket....
Of the approximately 16 million Americans who have rosacea, most will tell you that one of the best ways to manage this skin condition is to avoid the triggers that lead to flare-ups. These triggers can vary greatly from one person to the next, but there are many that are...
Living in California has many advantages, not the least of which is abundant sunshine year-round. While you may make an effort to protect yourself from the high, strong sun in summer, don’t let your efforts falter during the other seasons. The sun can wreak havoc on your skin no matter...
Nearly 32 million Americans have some form of eczema. They all share one thing in common: They'd prefer not to develop these uncomfortable patches of skin. If you’re struggling with eczema flare-ups, there are effective ways in which you can manage the condition and keep your skin in the pink...
You look at pictures from just 10 years ago and you’re amazed at the difference in your face. Making matters more confusing, you don’t feel as if your age or your spirit align with what’s happening to your outward appearance. At Los Gatos Dermatology, Dr. Bruce Saal and our team...
While there’s little we can do to stop the forward march of time, we can fight back with exciting and noninvasive technology that tightens sagging skin. Here at Los Gatos Dermatology, we use Exilis Ultra™. Under the direction of board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Bruce Saal, our practice has helped scores...
Fine lines and wrinkles are inevitable. No matter how well you eat and how regularly you exercise, your face eventually shows signs of aging. Even if you avoid the sun and apply sunscreen daily, your skin creases over time. Fortunately, neurotoxins can help. Board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Bruce Saal of...
Rosacea is a skin condition that affects about 14 million Americans. Symptoms include red skin (usually on your nose and cheeks), thick skin, and swollen, red bumps. Some people also develop eye problems, and others, usually men, develop a bulbous nose. Anyone can develop rosacea, even celebrities. Some well-known people...
We all make mistakes. We change our minds. We change. We grow. Whether you’ve outgrown your tattoo, changed your mind about having one, or regret your decision entirely, you can get rid of it. Tattoos are appealing as a way to express yourself. About 45 million Americans have at least...
If you’re like many of our patients, you’ve found that working out and dieting aren't enough to get the figure you want. And let’s not forget about your face, which is in the spotlight over the summer. Sunglasses alone can’t hide saggy skin, fine lines, and loose jowls. While surgery...
The sun’s rays can affect you all year round, but they’re the strongest in the spring and summer. And with warm temperatures, you’re probably spending more time outside in the sun than usual. As you might imagine, protecting your skin in the summer is especially important. Not all sun exposure...
An actinic keratosis is one of the most common skin conditions that dermatologists see. Considered a precancerous lesion, an actinic keratosis affects more than 40 million Americans every year. About 5-10% of people with an actinic keratosis go on to develop a skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma, which is...
A chronic skin condition, rosacea is a long-term problem. Symptoms include facial redness, bumps, visible blood vessels, and swelling. About half of people with rosacea also develop eye problems. It’s more common in women than men, although men tend to get more severe symptoms. Rosacea can affect people of any...
With about 9,500 people diagnosed with skin cancer every day, it’s the most common cancer in the country. It’s also one of the deadliest cancers and, fortunately, one of the most preventable types of cancer. Everyone is at risk of developing skin cancer. But certain people have a higher risk...
Once called stork marks or stork bites to go along with the myth that storks deliver babies, birthmarks go by many different names. About 10% of babies have birthmarks. Some are born with them, and some develop them soon after birth. Birthmarks range in color, size, shape, and depth. In...
As tattoos are becoming mainstream and less fringe, more people are getting inked. With more people getting tattoos, it’s not surprising that the number of people seeking to get them removed has gone up as well. About 30% of Americans had at least one tattoo as of 2019, which was...
Shaving is a tedious but necessary task to keep your skin smooth, hair-free, and attractive. You can wax but, ouch, that hurts. When it comes pesky chin hairs or unsightly cheek fuzz, tweezing can do the trick when you see the hairs. But it’s often not until you find a...
Body contouring is also called noninvasive or nonsurgical body contouring or fat reduction. It refers to a procedure that helps you improve your figure without surgery. There are numerous benefits to body contouring over surgical procedures such as a tummy tuck or liposuction. Some of these benefits include lower cost,...
Do you have dark spots, age spots, or fine lines you want to eliminate? If so, you may want to consider a series of intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments. IPL, also called photorejuvenation and photo facial, helps fade dark spots and other skin imperfections with minimal downtime and discomfort. At...
Fat that refuses to go away, regardless of your dedication to a healthy diet and exercise plan, is just stubborn. Stubborn fat is the most frustrating type of fat that exists. This fat settles into your hips, thighs, chin, arms, and abdomen. Fortunately, at Los Gatos Dermatology, we offer two...
Since the first case of Covid-19 was diagnosed in the United States in January of this year, the country has been inundated with news about this novel coronavirus. Some of the information has changed, and some has been constant, such as symptoms that include a dry cough, fever, and fatigue....
Whether you’ve fallen out of love with the person whose name is tattooed on your thigh or fallen out of love with a particular tattoo you’ve had for years, you can, fortunately, get that ink removed. Laser tattoo removal techniques are more advanced than ever. They help reduce or eliminate...
Right now, you may not be thinking about how you’ll look in a bathing suit this summer, but soon the weather will turn warmer, and you’ll be wearing skimpier clothing and hitting the pool or the beach. The unwanted lumps, stubborn fat pockets, and rolls that you’ve been able to...
Botox® is the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure and with good reason. There were over 7 million Botox procedures in 2018, a 3% increase over the previous year’s report. Why is Botox so popular? For one, it’s a nonsurgical procedure that can be done in a doctor’s office in...
Rosacea is characterized by redness on your cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, or eyelids, as well as inflammation, visible blood vessels, and acne-like bumps. While a rosy complexion sounds nice, rosacea is not attractive. In fact, many people with rosacea hide their faces and suffer from low self-esteem. And while rosacea...
Many people are most concerned with the lines, wrinkles, and age spots that spread across their faces or the gray hairs on their heads as they age. They tend to those signs of aging with hair dye, Botox®, and laser treatments. These treatments may make your face look younger, but...
More women have Botox® than any other minimally invasive procedure in the United States. And there’s a good reason for that. Botox, which is short for botulinum toxin, is a simple and quick procedure with minimal side effects that can take years off your appearance, without surgery or downtime. Botox...
Rosacea is a common chronic skin disease that affects about 14 million people, including such famous ones as Bill Clinton, the late Princess Diana, and Prince William. Being royalty is not a requirement for rosacea, but since the condition does tend to run in families, it's not unusual that more...
Remember when your mom told you not to squeeze or pop your pimples? As an adult with acne scars, you probably wish you had listened to her. Unfortunately, even if you did listen to her, you may still have acne scars. Acne scars can develop from inflamed blemishes that penetrate...
We all make mistakes or change our minds now and then. Many mistakes are easy to remedy. You can wait for a bad haircut to grow out. You can easily donate those fashion faux pas to a thrift store. But that tattoo you got for your birthday long ago? It’s...
Skin cancer is the most common form of all cancers, affecting more than 2 million people a year. The good news is that you can reduce your risk for skin cancer by following simple tips to protect your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Equally as good news is that...
The only thing worse than the term “age spots” is “liver spots,” both of which are names for those dark spots that develop on your face and arms as you get older. Numerous age spots dotting your arms and face are a sign that your skin no longer has a...
Summer is drawing near and so is the time for you to break out your bikini. Don’t feel ready? Learn how SculpSure® can help you feel prepared and confident in a teeny two-piece bathing suit. SculpSure can help you slim down and sculpt your figure without surgery or downtime. If...
Exilis Ultra™ is the latest technique to help both men and women eliminate hard-to-get-rid-of fat, lumps, and rolls. This FDA-approved fat reduction device uses radio-wave technology to target fat deposits deep in your skin with thermal technology. This thermal energy speeds up the metabolic activity of the fat cells, causing...
Ready to stop shaving, plucking, tweezing, and waxing your unwanted body hair? Laser hair removal can help you say goodbye to those tedious tasks and say hello to smooth, hairless skin at the same time. Laser hair removal is a simple and safe way to reduce your unwanted body hair...
The good news about taking care of your skin’s health is that you’ll be rewarded by looking better and younger. Things that affect the health of your skin, such as the sun, can also make your skin look older. If you watch TV commercials or peruse advertisements, you may think...
Does one of your resolutions include slimming down or fitting back into old clothes? If so, SculpSure®, a non-invasive fat reduction procedure, can help you stick to that resolution. Sometimes diet and exercise don’t result in your clothes looking better on you. Even though you may have lost the pounds...
Acne scars are not fair. First you had to suffer from unsightly blemishes, and now that they’re gone, a permanent scar or multiple scars lie in their place. Not every a pimple leaves a scar, though. The blemishes and cysts that become inflamed, swollen, and reddish are most likely to...
If you’ve been to a beach or a bar in the last decade, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that tattoos have gained in popularity. Nearly 40% of millennials have at least one tattoo. But when those 30-somethings head into a job interview, they may need to cover up...
With age comes wisdom but also sagging, loose skin, unwanted bulges, and age-revealing facial lines. For some, aging isn’t even the issue. The sagging skin and unwanted bulges are just there, no matter how much you diet and exercise — often the result of life events such as pregnancy or...
Has it been a while since you wore a bikini or low-rise jeans? Is it because your body confidence has diminished over the years? As we get older, our fat deposits tend to travel and settle in different — and often less flattering — spots than when we were younger,...
The Best Ways to Eliminate Age SpotsAge spots are exactly what they sound like: the brown spots that develop on our faces, hands, backs, chests, and shoulders as we get older. These marks, sometimes called liver spots, are the cumulative result of exposure to the sun over time. Although they...
Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects about 14 million adults in the United States. Symptoms include redness, pimples, a bulbous nose, and irritated eyes. While it’s not dangerous, rosacea can be unsightly and may make you feel self-conscious. It’s not clear what causes rosacea, but it does tend...
BOTOX® is the number-one medically administered cosmetic treatment both in the United States and around the globe, and for good reason. As the go-to treatment for long-lasting wrinkle reduction and prevention, BOTOX has helped millions of women and men maintain a more youthful-looking appearance.If you haven’t already tried BOTOX for...
There are several different conditions that all fall under the umbrella term skin cancer. Each type of skin cancer affects particular cells in the skin. The different kinds of skin cancer include: Squamous cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinomaMelanomaSquamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are the most common types of skin...
The birds start to chirp, the trees bud, and it’s almost like you can feel the newness that spring ushers upon us. It’s no surprise that this time of year makes you think about a fresh start for yourself, especially when it comes to your body and hair. At Los...
Diet and exercise are the standard steps prescribed when you want to lose fat — but they don’t always work. When you have trouble areas such as a belly pooch or love handles, diet and exercise can only lead to frustration because sometimes you just can’t make these areas go...
Regret. You may try hard to live your life without it, but if it’s a tattoo permanently inked on your skin, it may not be that easy. But with advances in laser technology, you don’t have to live the rest of your life with your high school sweetheart’s name tattooed...
Multi-Task a Glowing ComplexionThe latest advances in preventing and reversing signs of sun damage and aging are not only noninvasive — they’re fast. So fast you can get most of them done on your lunch hour. Sip a super smoothie on your way to and from visiting Dr. Bruce Saal...
When temperatures dip lower and you feel that familiar winter chill in the air, it’s time to think about protecting your skin from the elements. Dr. Bruce Saal, a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, and his skilled team at Los Gatos Dermatology, in Los Gatos, California, share some effective skin care tips...