Why BOTOX Remains the Leading Medically Administered Cosmetic Treatment

BOTOX® is the number-one medically administered cosmetic treatment both in the United States and around the globe, and for good reason. As the go-to treatment for long-lasting wrinkle reduction and prevention, BOTOX has helped millions of women and men maintain a more youthful-looking appearance.

If you haven’t already tried BOTOX for yourself, you probably know someone who has. You may even know someone whose “good genes” get a little anti-aging help from regular BOTOX boosts.

Here at Los Gatos Dermatology, we’ve helped countless adults keep wrinkles at bay and take years off their appearance, safely and effectively. Read on to learn what makes BOTOX one of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments available, and find out why its popularity continues to grow.

BOTOX delivers beautiful results

When it comes to diminishing wrinkles and leaving your skin looking naturally fresh, nothing beats BOTOX.

BOTOX is a therapeutic agent that contains very small amounts of a highly purified protein refined from the natural bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When it’s injected at specific points in your facial muscles, it blocks the nerve signals that help those muscles contract. As your facial muscles relax, your overlying skin appears smoother and less wrinkled.

BOTOX can help soften or even erase the deep furrows between your brows that can make you look perpetually upset or worried; it can also reduce or erase the laugh lines at the corners of your eyes that seem to multiply with each passing year.

BOTOX is highly customizable

BOTOX may have developed its stellar reputation for turning back the hands of time, but you don’t even need to have wrinkles to benefit from the world’s foremost anti-aging remedy.

That’s because BOTOX also works as a “prejuvenation” treatment, meaning it can be used to prevent wrinkles before they form. It’s increasingly popular among millennials and young adults, a growing number of whom keep regular BOTOX appointments as part of their overall skin care and general maintenance routine.

The main difference between using BOTOX to reduce the appearance of established wrinkles and using it to prevent wrinkle formation lies in the dosage. Younger patients need far smaller doses of the protein to achieve subtle results that don’t look overdone.

BOTOX is safe, quick, and painless

In 2016, plastic surgeons in the United States performed just over 131,000 cosmetic facelifts. That same year, roughly seven million Americans — more than 50 times as many people — opted for BOTOX.

That could be because BOTOX is just about as close to a complete package as you can get. Not only does it deliver beautiful results, but it’s safe, quick, and painless, too.

A typical BOTOX treatment takes just 10 minutes and includes three tiny injections to treat the wrinkles around each eye, and five tiny injections to treat the lines in your forehead. Because the injection needles are so small and the procedure is so fast, BOTOX treatments are virtually painless.

Most importantly, BOTOX is an FDA-approved anti-aging cosmetic treatment, it has an impeccable safety record, and it’s officially approved for use in 78 countries around the world.

If you can’t wait to hear your neighbor, colleague, or friend ask what you’ve done to make yourself look so refreshed and rejuvenated, we’re ready to help. Call our Los Gatos, California, medical spa today, or make your BOTOX consultation appointment using our convenient online booking tool.

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