5 Lunch-Hour Treatments for Younger Skin

Multi-Task a Glowing Complexion

The latest advances in preventing and reversing signs of sun damage and aging are not only noninvasive — they’re fast. So fast you can get most of them done on your lunch hour. Sip a super smoothie on your way to and from visiting Dr. Bruce Saal — an expert dermatologist at Los Gatos Dermatology in Los Gatos, California. You’ve just transformed your lunch break into a power-packed beauty and nutrition boost.  

Here are 5 lunchtime treats that can make your co-workers go “wow” when you get back from break:

1. Banish wrinkles

Wrinkles and creases in your forehead and between your brows (the 11s) are not only aging, they can make you look angry, tired, or sad. Los Gatos Dermatology uses the neuromodulators Botox and Xeomin to relax the dynamic muscles that press your forehead skin into grooves and furrows. He can even use them to eliminate your crow’s feet.

Botox and Xeomin start working after about two to four days. Within two weeks, the neuromodulators are in full effect: your skin smooths out and the wrinkles are gone. Botox and Xeomin each last about three to four months.  

2. Add volume and lift

Nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and gaunt-looking cheeks all have two things in common: they’re aging and they can be fixed with injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers.

Juvederm and Restylane even out and smooth creases around your mouth and nose, making your skin look plumper and firmer. It’s like a mini-facelift, except there’s no downtime and it only takes about half an hour to perform.

If you’ve lost volume in your face, Los Gatos uses Voluma to replace it, instantly giving you a fresher, firmer, more uplifted look. Voluma can even be used to build up your cheekbones to look more sophisticated and elegant or create a slight chin augmentation.

3. Plump your lips

Did you know that thinning lips is one of the more telling signs of aging? Just a quick lip augmentation with a gentle hyaluronic acid (HA) based lip filler, such as Juvederm or Restylane, and you’ll take years off your face without anyone figuring out how you did it.

Nonsurgical lip augmentations with dermal fillers can last up to six months. The great thing about HA fillers is, if you ever go a little too far and decide you don’t want such a plumped-up look, Los Gatos Dermatology can dissolve the filler with hyaluronidase.

4. Banish unwanted accumulations of fat

SculpSure is the first FDA-cleared laser treatment for non-invasive lipolysis of the abdomen, flanks, back, and thighs. It's a state-of-the-art, controlled light-based technology, perfect for patients looking to get rid of stubborn fat fast and effectively, and a treatment takes only 25 minutes.

5. Create more radiance

If your skin looks dull and is marred by brown spots, red veins, or variations in color, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photofacial can clear away the signs of sun damage and aging.

While you relax on your break, Los Gatos Dermatology removes:

Most women and men need about three to six IPL sessions to get clear and radiant skin. Each session only takes about half an hour.

Add Los Gatos Dermatology to your Smart Calendar and schedule your lunchtime rejuvenation today. Call his friendly staff for an appointment, or do it yourself online.

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